Case Details for HE File Number: W-17-004
Case Name:
The Ballard Coalition
Property Address:
Burke Gilman Trail Missing Link Project
Mailing Address:
Date Received:
Date Filed:
Filing Fee:
Form of Payment:
credit card
Mark Mazzola
Email: Mark.Mazzola@seattle.govPhone: (206) 733-9117 -
The Ballard Coalition
Appellant Legal Counsel:
Pat Schneider
Foster Pepper
1111 3rd Ave, Suite 3000
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: schnp@foster.comPhone: (206) 447-2905 -
Appellant Legal Counsel:
Josh Brower
Veris Law Group PLLC
1809 7th Ave, Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: josh@verislawgroup.comPhone: (206) 829-9590 -
Appellant Legal Counsel:
Leah Silverthorn
Veris Law Group PLLC
1809 7th Ave, Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: leah@verislawgroup.comPhone: (206) 829-9590 -
Appellant Legal Counsel:
Danielle Granatt
Veris Law Group PLLC
1809 7th Ave, Suite 1400
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: danielle@verislawgroup.comPhone: (206) 829-9590 -
Alicia Reise
City Attorney's Office
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 2050
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: Alicia.Reise@seattle.govPhone: (206) 684-8247 -
Department Legal Counsel:
Erin Ferguson
Assistant City Attorney
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 2050
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: Erin.Ferguson@seattle.govPhone: (206) 684-8615 -
Brenda Bole
Foster Pepper
1111 Third Ave, Suite 3000
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: brenda.bole@foster.comPhone: (206) 447-2885 -
Cascade Bicycle Club
Intervenor Legal Counsel:
Matthew Cohen
Stoel Rives
600 University St, Suite 3600
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: matthew.cohen@stoel.comPhone: (206) 624-0900 -
Intervenor Legal Counsel:
Rachel Cox
Stoel Rives
600 University St, Suite 3600
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: rachel.cox@stoel.comPhone: (206) 624-0900 -
Sharman Loomis
Stoel Rives
600 University St, Suite 3600
Seattle, WA 98101
Email: sharman.loomis@stoel.comPhone: (206) 624-0900 -
Marya Pirak
Van Ness Feldman
719 Second Ave, Suite 1150
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: map@vnf.comPhone: (206) 623-9372 -
Department Legal Counsel:
Dale Johnson
Van Ness Feldman LLP
719 Second Ave, Suite 1150
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: dnj@vnf.comPhone: (206) 623-9372 -
Department Legal Counsel:
Tadas Kisielius
Van Ness Feldman LLP
719 Second Ave, Suite 1150
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: tak@vnf.comPhone: (206) 623-9372 -
Department Legal Counsel:
Clara Park
Van Ness Feldman LLP
719 Second Ave, Suite 1150
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: cpark@vnf.comPhone: (206) 623-9372 -
Amanda Kleiss
Van Ness Feldman LLP
719 Second Ave, Suite 1150
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: -
Megan Manion
Veris Law Group PLLC
7/6/2017 9:00 AM | Pre-Hearing Conference | |
9/29/2017 1:00 PM | Pre-Hearing Conference | (Motions Hearing) |
11/27/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
11/28/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
11/29/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
11/30/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
12/1/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
12/5/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing |
- Ballard Coalition Appeal 6/9/2017 11:37:04 AM
- Corrected Notice of Appeal 6/9/2017 3:11:17 PM
- Notice of Appearance - City 6/13/2017 9:40:53 AM
- Notice of Prehearing Conference 6/14/2017 2:25:02 PM
- City's Response to Cascade Bicycle Club's Motion to Intervene.pdf 6/19/2017 4:11:06 PM
- Cascade Bicycle Club Motion to Intervene 6/19/2017 4:21:10 PM
- Dec of Matthew Cohen ISO CBC Mtn to Intervene 6/19/2017 4:21:35 PM
- Cascade Bicycle Proposed Order 6/19/2017 4:21:51 PM
- Cascade Bicycle Club Mtn for Leave to File Reply 6/23/2017 2:46:18 PM
- Dec of Cohen ISO CBC Mtn for Leave 6/23/2017 2:46:40 PM
- Cascade Bicycle Club Proposed Order 6/23/2017 2:46:53 PM
- Appellant Resp in Opp to Cascade Intervention 6/26/2017 4:03:58 PM
- Appellant Dec of Brower ISO of Resp 6/26/2017 4:27:14 PM
- Order Granting Motion for Leave to Reply CBC 6/27/2017 10:42:10 AM
- CBC Reply ISO Mtn to Intervene 7/5/2017 8:48:14 AM
- Notice of Hearing 7/7/2017 2:15:09 PM
- Order on Motion to Intervene 7/7/2017 2:15:19 PM
- Prehearing Order 7/7/2017 2:15:35 PM
- Ballard Coalition's Dispositive Motion 7/17/2017 3:46:05 PM
- Declaration of Patrick J. Schneider ISO Dispositiv 7/17/2017 3:46:15 PM
- City Notice of Association of Counsel 7/21/2017 4:17:41 PM
- City Response In Opp. to BC's Dispositive Mtn 7/31/2017 2:13:35 PM
- Declaration of Erin E. Ferguson, with Exhibits A-D 7/31/2017 2:14:55 PM
- Declaration of Darby Watson 7/31/2017 2:16:00 PM
- SDOT's Motion for Partial Dismissal.pdf 8/4/2017 1:33:44 PM
- Declaration of Erin Ferguson w.Exhibits A-F.pdf 8/4/2017 1:34:22 PM
- Cascade Bike Club Memo in Support of SDOT Mot for Part Dismissal.pdf 8/4/2017 4:39:08 PM
- Reply ISO Dispositive Motion.pdf 8/10/2017 2:31:35 PM
- Second Declaration of Patrick J. Schneider.pdf 8/10/2017 2:31:47 PM
- City's Responses to BC's First Set of IRFP 8/11/2017 8:24:37 AM
- Coalition's Response in SDOT's Mot. to Partially Dismiss (8.18.2017).pdf 8/18/2017 3:34:25 PM
- Decl. of JCB in Supp. of Response in Opp. to SDOT's Mot. & Ex. A-B (8.18.2017).pdf 8/18/2017 3:34:35 PM
- Decl. of V. Bishp in Supp. of Response in Opp. to SDOT's Mot. (8.18.2017).pdf 8/18/2017 3:34:47 PM
- SDOT's Reply In Support of Its Motion for Partial 8/28/2017 12:58:27 PM
- CBC Reply in Support of SDOT Mtn for Partial Dismi 8/28/2017 2:46:37 PM
- SDOT Prelim. Witness & Exh. List 9/8/2017 3:29:11 PM
- CBC Preliminary List of Witnesses and Exhibits 9/8/2017 4:02:05 PM
- Ballard Coalition's Prelim. Witness & Exhibit List 9/8/2017 4:31:59 PM
- Appendix A to Prelim. Witness & Exhibit List 9/8/2017 4:45:01 PM
- Order on Motion to Dismiss 9/18/2017 2:01:34 PM
- Motion for Continuance 9/18/2017 4:27:23 PM
- Decl. of L. Silverthorn and Exhibits A-E 9/18/2017 4:28:13 PM
- SDOT Cover Letter 9/22/2017 3:27:30 PM
- SDOT Motion in Limine 9/22/2017 3:28:21 PM
- SDOT Decl. and Exhbit for Motion in Limine 9/22/2017 3:28:37 PM
- SDOT Motion in Limine COS 9/22/2017 3:33:05 PM
- SDOT Motion in Limine 9/22/2017 3:36:34 PM
- SDOT Response In Opposition to Motion to Continue 9/22/2017 3:37:28 PM
- Ferguson Declaration in Sppt of Response (1 of 2) 9/22/2017 3:37:43 PM
- Ferguson Declaration in Sppt of Response (2 of 2) 9/22/2017 3:37:54 PM
- Response in Opposition COS 9/22/2017 3:38:10 PM
- SDOT Motion to Compel 9/22/2017 3:40:11 PM
- Decl and Exhibits for Motion to Compel 9/22/2017 3:40:32 PM
- Motion to Compel COS 9/22/2017 3:40:48 PM
- Notice of Prehearing Conference and Hearing on Motions 9/25/2017 11:07:42 AM
- Cascade Bicycle Club Opposition to Mt. to Cont. 9/25/2017 3:57:58 PM
- Declaration of Matthew Cohen 9/25/2017 3:58:20 PM
- Order on Motion to Dismiss 9/28/2017 11:51:34 AM
- Coalition's Response in Opp. to City's Mot. in Limine & Mot. to Quash (9.28.2017).pdf 9/28/2017 4:20:23 PM
- Coalition's Response in Opp. to Mot. to Compel (9.28.2017).pdf 9/28/2017 4:27:36 PM
- Decl. of JCB in Supp. of Coalition's Response in Opp. to City's MIL & Mot. to Quash (9.28.17).pdf 9/28/2017 4:28:10 PM
- Exhibits to Decl of JCB in Supp. of Response to MIL & Mot. to Quash (9.28.2017).pdf 9/28/2017 4:28:34 PM
- Decl. of JCB in Supp. of Coalition's Response in Opp. to City's Mot to Compel (9.28.2017).pdf 9/28/2017 4:28:47 PM
- Minutes for Hearing on Motions 9/29/2017 3:57:17 PM
- Hearing on Motions 9/29/2017 4:31:55 PM
- Second Prehearing Order 10/3/2017 2:59:42 PM
- Order of Continuance 10/3/2017 2:59:55 PM
- Appellant Second Preliminary Witness List 10/5/2017 5:10:37 PM
- Appendix A to Second Preliminary Witness List 10/5/2017 5:10:46 PM
- City's Second Preliminary Witness List 10/11/2017 12:11:53 PM
- CBC's Second Preliminary List of Witnesses 10/11/2017 3:37:02 PM
- Coalition's 2nd Preliminary Exhibit List 10/20/2017 3:34:40 PM
- CBC Second Preliminary List of Exhibits 10/27/2017 11:27:09 AM
- City's Second Preliminary Witness and Exhibit List 10/27/2017 2:24:13 PM
- SDOT's Final Witness & Exhibit List 11/6/2017 3:48:35 PM
- Coalition's Final Witness & Exhibit List 11/6/2017 3:55:30 PM
- CBC Final Witness List 11/6/2017 4:57:06 PM
- CBC Final Exhibit List 11/6/2017 5:35:19 PM
- SDOT Second Motion in Limine 11/10/2017 2:26:18 PM
- SDOT Declaration of TK 11/10/2017 2:26:26 PM
- SDOT COS 11/10/2017 2:27:10 PM
- CBC Motion to Compel Disclosure 11/10/2017 4:39:05 PM
- Proposed Order Granting CBC Motion 11/10/2017 4:39:27 PM
- Response in Opposition to MIL & Mot to Compel 11/15/2017 2:16:23 PM
- Declaration of LBS in Supp of Response 11/15/2017 2:16:32 PM
- Prop Ord Denying City MIL & Cascade Mot to Compel 11/15/2017 2:16:39 PM
- Motions Hearing Minutes 11/17/2017 9:47:54 AM
- Motions Hearing 11/17/2017 9:50:23 AM
- SDOT Prehearing Brief 11/20/2017 1:27:40 PM
- Order on Motions in Limine and to Compel Disclosure 11/20/2017 4:37:39 PM
- Coalition's Revised Final Exhibit List 11/21/2017 4:06:47 PM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 1 11/27/2017 5:02:27 PM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 1 11/29/2017 10:00:08 AM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 2 11/29/2017 10:00:56 AM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 3 11/29/2017 10:01:24 AM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 4 11/29/2017 10:01:51 AM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 5 11/29/2017 10:04:15 AM
- Hearing Day 1, Part 6 11/29/2017 10:04:53 AM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 2 11/29/2017 10:07:42 AM
- Hearing Day 2, Part 1 11/29/2017 10:08:40 AM
- Hearing Day 2, Part 2 11/29/2017 10:09:21 AM
- Hearing Day 2, Part 3 11/29/2017 10:10:07 AM
- Hearing Day 2, Part 4 11/29/2017 10:10:45 AM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 3 11/30/2017 9:50:51 AM
- Hearing Day 3, Part 1 11/30/2017 9:52:14 AM
- Hearing Day 3, Part 2 11/30/2017 9:52:58 AM
- Hearing Day 3, Part 3 11/30/2017 9:53:29 AM
- Hearing Day 3, Part 4 11/30/2017 9:54:06 AM
- Hearing Day 3, Part 5 11/30/2017 9:54:47 AM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 4 11/30/2017 5:19:29 PM
- Hearing Day 4, Part 1 11/30/2017 6:18:20 PM
- Hearing Day 4, Part 2 11/30/2017 6:18:43 PM
- Hearing Day 4, Part 3 11/30/2017 6:19:04 PM
- Hearing Day 4, Part 4 11/30/2017 6:19:34 PM
- Hearing Day 4, Part 5 11/30/2017 6:20:03 PM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 5 12/7/2017 9:37:57 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 1 12/7/2017 9:43:47 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 2 12/7/2017 9:44:07 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 3 12/7/2017 9:44:24 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 4 12/7/2017 9:44:44 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 5 12/7/2017 9:45:04 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 6 12/7/2017 9:45:30 AM
- Hearing Day 5, Part 7 12/7/2017 9:45:47 AM
- Hearing Minutes, Day 6 12/7/2017 9:48:27 AM
- Hearing Day 6, Part 1 12/7/2017 9:49:57 AM
- Hearing Day 6, Part 2 12/7/2017 9:50:24 AM
- Hearing Day 6, Part 3 12/7/2017 9:51:06 AM
- Hearing Day 6, Part 4 12/7/2017 9:51:36 AM
- Hearing Day 6, Part 5 12/7/2017 9:51:58 AM
- Exhibit List 12/13/2017 4:37:46 PM
- City Post-Hearing Brief 12/22/2017 1:42:14 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 1 12/22/2017 1:43:02 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 2 12/22/2017 1:46:35 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 3 12/22/2017 1:46:53 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 4 12/22/2017 1:47:08 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 5 12/22/2017 1:47:26 PM
- Hearing Transcript, Volume 6 12/22/2017 1:47:38 PM
- CBC Post-Hearing Brief 12/22/2017 2:32:59 PM
- Appellant Post-Hearing Brief 12/22/2017 4:31:10 PM
- SDOT Response Brief 1/5/2018 2:58:04 PM
- CBC Reply to Coalition Post-Trial Brief 1/5/2018 2:58:13 PM
- Coalition's Response Brief 1/5/2018 3:56:40 PM
- Findings and Decision 1/31/2018 10:06:51 AM
- City Attorney's Office Request for Record 6/7/2018 9:50:20 AM