Case Details for HE File Number: MUP-17-009
Case Name:
Livable Phinney
Property Address:
6726 Greenwood Ave N
Mailing Address:
Date Received:
Date Filed:
Filing Fee:
Form of Payment:
Check - 25068
Master Use Permit
Design Review ,
Livable Phinney
Appellant Legal Counsel:
Jeff Eustis
Aramburu & Eustis LLP
720 Third Ave, Suite 2000
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: eustis@aramburu-eustis.comPhone: (206) 625-9515 -
Jay Janette for Johnson Carr LLC
Skidmore Janette Architects
5309 22nd Ave NW, Suite B
Seattle, WA 98107
Email: jay@sjarchitect.comPhone: (206) 453-3645 -
Michael Dorcy
Email: Michael.Dorcy@seattle.govPhone: (206) 615-1393 -
Laura Counley
McCullough Hill Leary, PS
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 6600
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: lcounley@mhseattle.comPhone: (206) 812-3388 -
Applicant Legal Counsel:
Jessica Clawson
McCullough Hill Leary, PS
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 6600
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: jessica@mhseattle.comPhone: (206) 812-3388 -
Applicant Legal Counsel:
Katie Kendall
McCullough Hill Leary, PS
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 6600
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: kkendall@mhseattle.comPhone: (206) 812-3388 -
Alicia Reise
City Attorney's Office
701 Fifth Ave, SUite 2050
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: (206) 684-8247 -
Department Legal Counsel:
Patrick Downs
Assistant City Attorney
701 Fifth Ave, Suite 2050
Seattle, WA 98104
Email: patrick.downs@seattle.govPhone: (206) 684-8616
2/23/2017 11:00 AM | Pre-Hearing Conference | |
5/2/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
5/3/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
5/4/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing | |
5/5/2017 9:00 AM | Hearing |
- Livable Phinney Appeal Statement 2/7/2017 1:07:30 PM
- Directors Decision for 3020114 2/7/2017 1:07:41 PM
- Notice of Prehearing Conference 2/8/2017 3:11:30 PM
- NOA 2.8.17.pdf 2/8/2017 3:30:50 PM
- DOS 2.8.17.pdf 2/8/2017 3:30:57 PM
- City Notice of Appearance 2/15/2017 3:38:54 PM
- Prehearing Conference Recording 2/27/2017 3:58:04 PM
- Prehearing Order 2/28/2017 9:28:43 AM
- Notice of Hearing 2/28/2017 9:30:11 AM
- Amended Prehearing Order 3/14/2017 4:44:18 PM
- Applicant Motion to Dismiss 3.17.17 3/17/2017 12:00:06 PM
- Kendall Declaration 3.17.17 3/17/2017 12:00:26 PM
- DOS 3.17.17 3/17/2017 12:00:37 PM
- SDCI Interpretation 3/31/2017 9:19:47 AM
- Appellant Response to Motion to Dismiss 4/6/2017 12:26:58 PM
- Appellant Motion for Continuance 4/6/2017 12:27:10 PM
- Applicant Response in Opp Motion for Cont 4/11/2017 1:33:54 PM
- Declaration of Kelsie Clemens 4.11.17 4/11/2017 1:34:05 PM
- DOS 4.11.17 4/11/2017 1:34:13 PM
- Applicant Reply on Mtn to Dismiss 4/14/2017 3:53:43 PM
- Kendall Declaration 4/14/2017 3:53:52 PM
- DOS 4.14.17 4/14/2017 3:53:58 PM
- Order on Motion for Continuance 4/18/2017 11:45:29 AM
- Appellant Motion for Extension of Deadline 4/24/2017 1:20:01 PM
- Applicant Witness and Exhibit List Expert List 4/25/2017 4:36:35 PM
- DOS 4.25.17 4/25/2017 4:36:43 PM
- Appellant's Disclosure of Expert Wit & Exh 4/26/2017 9:47:12 AM
- Order on Motion to Dismiss and SJ 4/26/2017 11:07:28 AM
- Order on Motion for Extension 4/26/2017 11:07:43 AM
- SDCI Witness and Exhibit List 4/26/2017 12:25:50 PM
- Applicant Witness and Exhibit List 4/26/2017 2:07:27 PM
- DOS 4.26.17.pdf 4/26/2017 2:07:35 PM
- Appellant's Witness and Exhibit List 4/26/2017 4:37:51 PM
- Order Consolidating Hearing 4/27/2017 8:59:11 AM
- Appellant's Supp List of Wit & Exh 4/27/2017 3:44:25 PM
- Appellant's Consolidated Wit & Exh List 5/1/2017 11:46:31 AM
- Applicant's Rebuttal Witness and Exhibit List 5/1/2017 3:50:22 PM
- DOS 5.1.17 5/1/2017 3:50:42 PM
- Hearing Day 1 Minutes 5/3/2017 9:18:10 AM
- Hearing Day 1 Recording (1 of 4) 5/3/2017 10:14:18 AM
- Hearing Day 1 Recording (2 of 4) 5/3/2017 10:14:50 AM
- Hearing Day 1 Recording (3 of 4) 5/3/2017 10:26:58 AM
- Hearing Day 1 Recording (4 of 4) 5/3/2017 10:27:26 AM
- Hearing Day 2 Minutes 5/4/2017 8:12:38 AM
- Hearing Day 2 Recording (1 of 4) 5/4/2017 10:51:18 AM
- Hearing Day 2 Recording (2 of 4) 5/4/2017 10:51:49 AM
- Hearing Day 2 Recording (3 of 4) 5/4/2017 10:53:50 AM
- Hearing Day 2 Recording (4 of 4) 5/4/2017 10:55:18 AM
- Hearing Day 3 Minutes 5/5/2017 9:08:38 AM
- Hearing Day 3 Recording (1 of 4) 5/5/2017 10:38:29 AM
- Hearing Day 3 Recording (2 of 4) 5/5/2017 10:38:56 AM
- Hearing Day 3 Recording (3 of 4) 5/5/2017 10:39:24 AM
- Hearing Day 3 Recording (4 of 4) 5/5/2017 10:39:47 AM
- Final Hearing Exhibit List 5/5/2017 10:40:03 AM
- Hearing Day 4 Recording (1 of 2) 5/5/2017 11:52:43 AM
- Hearing Day 4 Recording (2 of 2) 5/5/2017 11:53:09 AM
- SDCI Closing Statement 6/5/2017 4:14:23 PM
- Applicant Post Hearing Brief 6/5/2017 4:37:34 PM
- Kendall Declaration 6/5/2017 4:37:43 PM
- Kendall Exhibits 6/5/2017 4:37:55 PM
- DOS 6.5.17 6/5/2017 4:38:05 PM
- Appellant Closing Statement 6/6/2017 9:14:31 AM
- Metro Data Spreadsheet for Altschul Addendum 6/19/2017 4:36:39 PM
- Altschul Addendum to Report 6/19/2017 4:37:01 PM
- Appellant's Motion to Re-Open Record 6/19/2017 4:37:24 PM
- Applicant Resp in Opp Motion to Reopen Record 6/26/2017 3:45:47 PM
- DOS 6.26.17.pdf 6/26/2017 3:46:03 PM
- Order on Motion to Reopen Record 6/29/2017 4:25:57 PM
- SDCI Response to Appellant's Addendum 7/5/2017 12:38:48 PM
- COS 7.5.17 7/5/2017 12:41:17 PM
- Applicant Resp to New Information in Record 7/5/2017 2:34:16 PM
- DOS 7.5.17 7/5/2017 2:34:23 PM
- Appellant's Motion to File Reply 7/6/2017 4:43:46 PM
- Appellant's Reply to Resp to Altschul Add 7/6/2017 4:44:02 PM
- Applicant's Resp in Opp Motion for Leave to Reply 7/7/2017 4:19:49 PM
- DOS 7.7.17 7/7/2017 4:19:55 PM
- Findings and Decision 7/24/2017 8:18:01 AM
- Order Correcting Decision 7/24/2017 9:52:25 AM
- Second Order Correcting Decision 7/25/2017 1:07:14 PM
- City Attorney Record Prep Request 9/1/2017 1:17:34 PM