Charts and Graphs of contributions and expenditures to and from campaigns for Seattle Mayor, City Council, City Attorney, Ballot Issue and Independent Expenditure campaigns.

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Total Contributions Average Contribution Size Contributions by District Contributions by Size Contributions by Type Independent Expenditure Summary
All Independent Expenditures
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Primary General Both
Against Pamela Banks by Working Washington $1,530
For Pamela Banks by CASE (2015) $10,461
For Pamela Banks by Neighbors for Banks $19,245
For Pamela Banks by The Hospitality PAC - 2015 $9,500
For Shannon Braddock by CASE (2015) $10,461
For Shannon Braddock by Neighbors for Shannon $129,713
For Shannon Braddock by The Hospitality PAC - 2015 $9,500
Against Shannon Braddock by Working Washington $1,530
For Shannon Braddock by PEOPLE FOR SHANNON $79,036
For Tim Burgess by United for Tim $219,070
Not Yet Coded by Seattle Needs Ethical Leaders $250
For Jon Grant by SEIU Local 925 PAC - 2015 $9,645
For Jon Grant by UFCW 21 PAC - 2015 $3,500
For Lisa Herbold by ProgressiveSeattlePAC $21,518
Against Rob Johnson by Working Washington $1,530
For Rob Johnson by PEOPLE FOR ROB $79,064
For Rob Johnson by SEIU Local 925 PAC - 2015 $1,143
For Debora Juarez by NW Tribes for Debora $27,575
For Debora Juarez by NW Tribes for Debora $3,750
For Kris Lethin by Natl Assn of Realtors Fund $64,841
Against Kris Lethin by Working Washington $1,530
For Michael J. Maddux by Cits Alliance 4 Lmtd Growth $4,956
For Kshama Sawant by SEIU Local 925 PAC - 2015 $3,418
For Kshama Sawant by ProgressiveSeattlePAC $23,195
For Halei Watkins by Planned Parenthood Votes NW $10,194
For Catherine Weatbrook by NEIGHBORS FOR DISTRICT 6 $31,967
For Catherine Weatbrook by NEIGHBORS FOR DISTRICT 6 $6,522
Total $784,644