Registered political committees that have spent money promoting or opposing City of Seattle candidates or ballot issues in this election cycle. Also, dashboards for each contest and campaign where you can learn more about their contributors and expenditures.

Election Cycle

City Council District 1
City Council District 2
City Council District 3
City Council District 4
City Council District 5
City Council District 6
City Council District 7
City Council Undecided
I-135 Housing FebSpecElec
Housing Levy
2023 IE Committees
2023 IE Non-Committees

Housing Levy
Yes for Homes (2023)

401 2nd Ave S Ste 303
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 2066827328

Expenditures, Cash on Hand and Balance
(From C4 ending 01/26/24)

Receipts (from C4) $569,619.31
Expenditures $569,619.31
Cash on Hand $0.00
Loans and Debts $0.00
Balance $0.00

Contributions to Date
(From C3s & C4s filed through 02/06/2025)

Source Amount Number Avg Amt
Contributors $569,619.00 126 $4,520.79
Other Income $0.00
Total $569,619.00

Top 5 Contributors
(as of 02/06/2025)
(Most recent if more than 5)

$77,487 11/19/2023
$25,000 10/13/2023
$25,000 10/3/2023
$25,000 7/28/2023
$25,000 6/22/2023
Popup list of all contributors