Seattle Voters' Guide
Guide to the upcoming election for City of Seattle voters. Background information on the election and statements from the candidates and ballot issue campaigns.

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City Council District 6
City Council District 7

November 5, 2019 General Election

City Council District 6

Heidi Wills

P.O. Box 23125
Seattle, WA 98102
(206) 472-7832

picture of Heidi Wills

Written Voters' Guide Statement

I’ll be your advocate at City Hall. For residents and small businesses who want safe neighborhoods. For seniors who built Seattle and are being priced out of their homes. For children who deserve clean parks and open community centers.


Experience matters. I’m a youth advocate who’s run a non-profit serving children in South Seattle for 13 years. I own a small business in Seattle employing 65 people. I was the youngest person ever elected to the City Council 20 years ago, and I’ve had a lot of life experience since then.


My husband and I have been raising two children in District 6 for 16 years. I understand the challenges facing our community because I’ve lived them.


As a former Councilmember, I have a proven track record of effective, collaborative leadership. I expanded rate assistance for low-income communities, improved transit, led investment in renewables and provided more affordable housing and human services. I have the experience needed to hit the ground running on day one.


I’m running to create a more affordable, equitable, safe, and sustainable city.


Improving public safety: We need to address vacancies stretching the police department too thin, a lack of diversion programs, and prosecute repeat offenders.


Addressing homelessness: Our city can no longer condone people sleeping in unsanctioned tents in our parks. It’s a public health crisis. We need to engage regional partners to coordinate services and address the root causes of homelessness. We need short-term solutions like modular homes and long-term solutions of permanent, supportive housing including mental health and drug treatment on demand.


Transportation and climate protection: As a lifelong environmental champion, I’ll bring bold leadership to reduce our carbon footprint and address the impacts of climate change in communities most affected. We need transportation choices to improve mobility and more affordable housing in our urban centers.


Housing affordability and basic services: We need housing of all shapes and sizes for people of all incomes with improved infrastructure and parks.


Endorsed by: Sierra Club, Seattle Times, Seattle Firefighters Local 27, 46th District Democrats, Humane Voters of WA, IBEW Local 77, Sailors’ Union of the Pacific, Attorney General Bob Ferguson, Former U.S. Congressman Jim McDermott, Former Gov. Gary Locke, King County Executive Dow Constantine, Former King County Executive Ron Sims, Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz, Port Commissioner Peter Steinbrueck, 43rd State Senator Jamie Pedersen, 36th State Rep. Gael Tarleton, 46th State Rep. Javier Valdez and more. 

This statement was provided by the candidate, who is solely responsible for the contents therein.

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