Expenditures by
Election Cycle

As of 2/8/2025
Name Aggregate Details
UNITE HERE LOCAL 8 $175,694.77 10/11/2019 ‑ $22,014.94 - Staff Salary & Benefits, Canvassing in Support of Lewis CD-7 (9/5-13/19)
10/11/2019 ‑ $30,446.33 - Staff Salary & Benefits, Canvassing in Support of Lewis CD-7 (9/14-27/19)
10/11/2019 ‑ $23,516.36 - Staff Salary & Benefits, Canvassing in Support of Lewis CD-7 (9/28/19-10/11/19)
10/11/2019 ‑ $1,542.87 - Canvassing Expenses in Support of Lewis CD-7
10/25/2019 ‑ $6,576.84 - UNITE HERE LOCAL 8,Satff Salary & Benefits Canvassing in Support of Lewis CD-7
10/25/2019 ‑ $26,248.92 - UNITE HERE LOCAL 8,Staff Salary & Benefits, Canvassing in Support of Lewis CD-7
11/21/2019 ‑ $65,348.51 - UNITE HERE LOCAL 8,Debt Repayment
PRINT LOGISTICS $156,822.85 7/11/2019 ‑ $11,416.75 - Print Logistics: Design & Production of Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7
7/11/2019 ‑ $5,482.75 - Alphabet Google: Video Ads in Support of Lewis CD7 7/15-8/6
7/11/2019 ‑ $108,610.00 - Comcast Spotlight: TV Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 7/16-8/6
7/11/2019 ‑ $4,077.31 - Facebook: Video Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 7/12-7/19
7/11/2019 ‑ $16,000.00 - KIRO-CBS: TV Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 7/21-7/28
7/11/2019 ‑ $2,780.00 - Seattle Times: Online Banner Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 7/15-8/6
7/11/2019 ‑ $720.00 - The Stranger: Online Banner Ads in Support of Lews CD-7 7/15-8/6
10/17/2019 ‑ $913.19 - Alphabet Google Online Ads 10/17-11/5 in Support of Lewis CD-7
10/30/2019 ‑ $3,822.85 - Print Logistics: Direct Mail in Support of Lewis CD-7 10/25/19
10/30/2019 ‑ $3,000.00 - Alphabet Google: Online Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 10/29-11/5
JR MEDIA INC. $150,000.00 10/3/2019 ‑ $10,000.00 - Bee Media: Online Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/2-11/5)
10/3/2019 ‑ $80,000.00 - Comcast Spotlight: TV Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/2-11/5)
10/3/2019 ‑ $8,000.00 - JR Media: Design & Production of Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7
10/3/2019 ‑ $20,000.00 - KIRO-CBS: TV Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/13 & 10/20)
10/3/2019 ‑ $25,000.00 - Print Logistics: Design & Production and Direct Mail in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/2-11/5)
10/3/2019 ‑ $5,000.00 - Seattle Times: Online Banner Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/2-11/5)
10/3/2019 ‑ $2,000.00 - The Stranger: Online Banner Ads in Support of Lewis CD-7 (10/2-11/5)
HUSTLE INC. $500.00 11/4/2019 ‑ $500.00 - IE-GOTV Text Messages in Support of Lewis CD-7 11/2-11/5
Total Expenditures $483,017.62
Outstanding Loans and Debts
Name Aggregate Details
Total Outstanding Loans and Debts $0.00
Special Reports of Independent Expenditures These reported expenditures will (eventually) DUPLICATE expenditures reported above under "Expenditures" or "Debts". These are expenditures reported pursuant to the Special Reporting of Late Independent Expenditures section of the law, which requires committees making independent expenditures to report those within 24 hours on a special report. They then later include that expenditure in the regular series of reports.
Name Aggregate Details
UNITE HERE LOCAL 8 $330.02 8/3/2019 ‑ $330.02Staff Time and Supplies in Support of Andrew Lewis Seattle CD7
Total Special Reports of Independent Expenditures $330.02
Summary of Totals
Category Total
Expenditures $483,017.62
Outstanding Loans and Debts $0.00
Special Reports of Independent Expenditures $330.02
Grand Total $483,347.64
Recently Reported Expenditures These are expenditures and in-kind contributions from amended and new reports that have been filed but not yet vetted by SEEC staff. They may duplicate information already listed.
Name Date Amount Description
BRUCE FOR SEATTLE 12/6/2021 $550.00 Monetary contributions to PAC or candidate
Expenses of $50 or less 12/1/2021 $0.00
Total Recently Reported Expenditures $550.00

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