Lobbyist |
Name | Natalie Quick |
Employer of Lobbyist |
Name | Lennar Multifamily |
Street Address 1 | 1911 2nd Ave. Ste. 1570 |
Street Address 2 | |
City | Seattle |
State | WA |
Zip | 98101 |
Phone | 206-816-1578 |
EMail | brad.reisinger@lennar.com |
Occupation, Business or Purpose | Residential multi-family developer |
Employment Details |
Lobbying Full-Time | Yes |
Expected Duration | ongoing |
Compensation | $1,400 |
Reimbursement | |
Subjects of Lobbying | Alley vacation for The Whittaker (West Seattle)
Employed Through Lobbying Entity |
Name of Entity | |
Compensation to Entity | |