Lobbyist |
Name | kari-lynnfrank |
Reporting Period |
Start | 4/1/2010 |
End | 6/30/2010 |
Employer 1 |
Contact Information |
Name | NAIOP |
Street Address 1 | PO Box 2016 |
Street Address 2 | |
City | Edmonds |
State | WA |
Zip | 09020 |
Phone | 206.382.9121 |
EMail | eric@naiopwa.org |
Expenditures for Period |
Compensation To Lobbyist | $4,500.00 |
Compensation To Lobbying Entity | $0.00 |
Food | $0.00 |
Accommodations | $0.00 |
Travel | $0.00 |
Entertainment | $0.00 |
Other | $0.00 |
Subjects of Lobbying During Period |
Subjects | Transportation; Land Use; Seattle Energy Code - Non-residential; HWY 99 - Alaska Way Viaduct