Report History
This Original filed: 11/10/2021 11:23:29 AM {displayed below}

Report of Bank Deposit (C3) - $0.04 on 10/15/2021
filed 11/10/2021 11:23:29 AM by Jason Michaud

Committee NameLanglie for Mayor
Mailing AddressP.O. Box 33770
Seattle,  WA  98177
Office SoughtMAYOR
TreasurerJerald Farley 

Source of Funds First Date
Last Date
Anonymous // // $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Candidate // // $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Loans // // $ 0.00
Miscellaneous 10/15/202110/15/2021$0.04

Source of FundsFirst Date ReceivedLast Date ReceivedNumberAmount
Contributors of $25 or Less $ 0.00

Itemized Contributions - Required for Contributors of more than $25.00
None Reported

Sources of Miscellaneous Income
Receipt DateName & AddressDescription of IncomeAmount
Bank Accounts
Bank Interest$0.04
Subtotal - Miscellaneous Income$0.04

Total Deposit$0.04
Deposit Date10/15/2021

Treasurer's Daytime Telephone Number(206) 580-3151