SEEC - Indirect Lobbying Statement Filed 10/16/2023
Indirect Lobbying Data
Reporting Period03/01/2023 - 09/30/2023
SponsorsJess Wallach; 5031 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105; Co-Director of Campaigns
ManagersJess Wallach; 5031 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105; Co-Director of Campaigns; $42.31 per hour Ben Jones; 5031 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105; Communications Director; $42.31 per hour Shemona Moreno, 5031 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98105; Executive Director; $47.60 per hour
ContributorsN/A- no funds were solicited for this campaign. All expenses have been pulled from 350 Seattle's general operating funds.
PurposeThis indirect lobbying campaign is intended to influence pending legislation for Seattle's building emissions performance standards.
Total ContributionN/A- see contributions box.
Entertainment ExpenditureN/A- $0
Office ExpenditureN/A- $0
Consultant ExpenditureN/A- $0, campaign was ended.
Printing/Mailing ExpenditureN/A- $0
Other ExpendituresN/A- $0