Report History
This Original filed: 10/9/2008 4:09:19 PM {displayed below}
Amendment filed: 7/6/2023 9:58:01 AM

SEEC - Lobbyist Registration Statement
Filed 10/9/2008 4:09:19 PM

NameMark Okazaki
Employer of Lobbyist
NameNeighborhood House
Street Address 1905 Spruce Street
Street Address 2Suite 200
Phone206-461-8430 x 240
Occupation, Business or PurposeNon-profit social services
Employment Details
Lobbying Full-TimeNo
Expected DurationYear round
Compensationestimated $5,000 per year
Reimbursementestimated $200 per year for mileage and parking
Subjects of Lobbyinghuman service budget and other legislation affecting low-income communities, communities of color, immigrants and refugess and other marginalized communities
Employed Through Lobbying Entity
Name of Entityn/a
Compensation to Entityn/a

Information on Members (if Required)
Names and Addressesn/a