Subjects | Priorities of the business community including economic recovery, downtown revitalization, homelessness, public safety, housing affordability, transportation, and regional collaboration on opportunities to showcase civic pride.
Specific issues included the renewal of the Housing Levy, a resolution on the preferred alignment for the West Seattle Ballard Link Extension (Res 32055); comments on the One Seattle Plan Comprehensive Plan Update; the support of Ord 126654 to provide resources and a roadmap for police retention and recruiting and an earlier resolution expressing the Council's intent to support police retention (Res 32050); regulation of wages for app-based workers (CB 120294); and sunsetting premium pay for grocery workers (CB 120372), support for CB 120256 (free permits for street cafes and commercial vending in the right-of-way), and support for CB 120264 (clarifying the nature of permissible commercial activities in parks)