Report History
This Original filed: 9/18/2008 1:51:39 PM {displayed below}
Amendment filed: 4/27/2023 9:38:40 AM

SEEC - Lobbyist Registration Statement
Filed 9/18/2008 1:51:39 PM

NameJulia Sterkovsky
Employer of Lobbyist
NameNeighborhood House
Street Address 1905 Spruce St #200
Street Address 2
Phone206/ 461-8430
Occupation, Business or Purposehelping people meet their basic human needs
Employment Details
Lobbying Full-TimeNo
Expected Durationongoing
Compensation$35.29 per hour
Reimbursementparking and mileage
Subjects of LobbyingPolicies pertaining to meeting basic human needs of Seattle residents including, but not limited to, budget issues.
Employed Through Lobbying Entity
Name of Entity
Compensation to Entity

Information on Members (if Required)
Names and Addresses